Join our team of freelance naked cleaners and list your unique personalised service on our TalentHub
Even if your city or town is not listed on this Naked Cleaners “FOR YOU” website, you are able to list for any town or city you are located, on our TalentHub. So be sure to sign up, even if you live in capital cities not listed on this site, or regional America.
Join Our Team
Join now, we need you now!
It doesn't matter where you are. City centres or regional America.
Do you have confidence, love to entertain, and enjoy “light cleaning duties”? And, can you work with customers with character?
To join our team of freelance service providers and be listed on the TalentHub, please follow the below button. It’s free to join and earn income today. We’d love for you to join. And if you are a newbie or amateur, even the better!
We don’t want escorts, we don’t want hookers! We want great positive entertainers and freelance service providers who are confident, professional, on time and appreciate earning some extra $$$ during the month (some of our cleaners make more than $2000US per month).
We understand some of you require privacy, so blurring of images is acceptable on our websites (you can blur images listed in your service listings on the TalentHub). We also encourage “amateur” / fun images. Please go to some effort when creating your images for your listing, and as stated again, we love the amateur look :).
Once you join and submit the form by following the above link, you will be sent an Invitation Code, allowing you to create an account (and profile) on our TalentHub, and then create your own unique service listing for free.
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Main Office
San Francisco, CA
20 Reynolds Neck Str-50121
Make a Call
+1 2345 678
Mon - Sat: 09am - 08pm